1. A demonstration of face/on: multi-modal haptic feedback for head-mounted displays in virtual reality. Dennis Wolf, Michael Rietzler, Leo Hnatek, and Enrico Rukzio.
2. Real-time monocular dense 3d environment reconstruction in 5g era. Zhiyu Huo, Lingyu Wang, Yi Han, Yigang Fang, and Cheng Lu.
3. Enhanced geometric techniques for point marking in model-free augmented reality. Wallace S. Lages, Yuan Li, Lee Lisle, Tobias Höllerer, and Doug A. Bowman.
4. Vr interactive display and experience for lightning defense knowledge. Yu RiJi, Ye Shishu, Shi Yuhan, Liu Shun, Jiang Shuai, and Guo Xiaofang.
5. Underwater toolkit: mixed reality object blending for 360° videos. Stephen Thompson, Andrew Chalmers, Daniel Medeiros, and Taehyun Rhee.
6. MeRA: an interactive mediated reality agent for educational application. Guillaume Quiniou, Frederic Rayar, and Diego Thomas.
7. 3d Chinese ink-wash painting vr experience. Yu Riji, Liu Shun, and Wang Mengjie.
8. Rgb-d real-time facial motion capture under partial occlusions and complex motion. Joo Paulo Lima, Jo
o O
vio de Lucena, Diego Thomas, and Veronica Teichrieb.
9. Augmented reality assisted assembly. Yongzhi Su, Jason Rambach, Nareg Minaskan, Paul Lesur, Alain Pagani, and Didier Stricker.
10. WatchAR: 6-dof tracked watch for ar interaction. Zhixiong Lu, Yongtao Hu, and Jingwen Dai.
11. InNervate immersion: dynamic ar/vr simulations for interactive learning in canine muscular innervation. Margaret Cook, Amber Ackley, Karla Chang Gonzalez, Austin Payne, Caleb Kicklighter, Michelle Pine, Timothy McLaughlin, and Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo.
12. Come to the table!/Haere mai kit e te tēpu: a digital interface to support intercultural relationship building. Mairi Gunn, Huidong Bai, Prasanth Sasikumar, Hao Chen, and Jing Yang.
13. Mid-air haptic bio-holograms in mixed reality. Ted Romanus, Sam Frish, Mykola Maksymenko, William Frier, Loïc Corenthy, and Orestis Georgiou.
14. Reproduction of environment reflections using extrapolation of front camera images in mobile ar. Shun Odajima and Takashi Komuro.
15. MxR boxing: utilizing virtual reality augmentation for sports activities basing on boxing. Oleh Gavrilyuk and Mykola Ursaty.
16. 3DUITK:an opensource toolkit for thirty years of three-dimensional interaction research. Kieran W. May, Ian Hanan, Andrew Cunningham, and Bruce H. Thomas.
17. Virtual multi-display environment using mobile augmented reality. Ken Moteki and Takashi Komuro.
18. Finding four-leaf clovers with ar and ai. Yasuhira Chiba, JongMoon Choi, Takeo Hamada, and Noboru Koshizuka.
19. A two-point map-based interface for architectural walkthrough. Kan Chen and Eugene Lee.
20. DepthMove: leveraging head motions in the depth dimension to interact with virtual reality head-worn displays. Difeng Yu, Hai-Ning Liang, Xueshi Lu, Tianyu Zhang, and Wenge Xu.
21. Coherent rendering of virtual smile previews with fast neural style transfer. Valentin Vasiliu and Gábor Sörös.
22. Manipulating 3D anatomic models in augmented reality: comparing a hands-free approach and a manual approach. Shirin Sadri, Shalva A. Kohen, Carmine Elvezio, Shawn H. Sun, Alon Grinshpoon, Gabrielle Loeb, Naomi Basu, and Steven Feiner.
23. Animated stickies: fast video projection mapping onto a markerless plane through a direct closed-loop alignment. Shingo Kagami and Koichi Hashimoto.
24. Evaluating text entry in virtual reality using a touch-sensitive physical keyboard. Alexander Otte, Daniel Schneider, Tim Menzner, Travis Gesslein, Philipp Gagel, and Jens Grubert.